Second CPHE Lecture

Neonatal Health in Nepal by Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kant Adhikari
Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kant Adhikari gave a lecture of CPHE this Friday i.e. 21st July, 2017 and his presentation topic was “Neonatal Health in Nepal”. A total of 43 participants including public health students, professionals from various organization participated in the program. Certificate of appreciation was awarded to the resource person and concluding remarks was given by Dr. Mahesh K. Maskey, Executive Chair of NPHF.
This lecture is supposed to be organized every third Friday of English month at NPHF (Nepal Public Health Foundation) office from 4-5 PM starting from June, 2017. In the same way, the next lecture session will be given by Dr. Archana Amatya on 18th August, 2017.
Watch recorded lecture here