Farming Health Environment Nepal Phase II : Updated Activities (May-July)
September 14, 2018

Activities carried out:
- 1. A situation assessment study on pesticide use and its health effects in Chitwan District have been conducted and the findings of the study were disseminated to the local government. The data is also being used by local government agencies.
- 2. Participatory planning workshop was conducted among different groups of stakeholders in Shivanagar, ward 14 of Bharatpur metropolitan so as to prepare detail implementation plan for the year. This was a collaborative effort of ward and FHEN project.
- 3. Farmers Field School (FFS) at Shivanagar is being successful. Farmers recently had an exposure tour to different places of Chitwan to internalize different successful examples of adopting Integrated Pest Management.
- 4. Refresher training to local farmers from phase 1 of FHEN has been completed. It was about safe handling of pesticides and farmers’ role in pesticide minimization.
- 5. Sensitization training was conducted among pesticide sprayers about safety measure while handling pesticides and personal protective equipment are distributed to them to provoke behavior change
- 6. Three day training was conducted targeting pesticide retailers for their awareness on safe handling of pesticides and motivation to influence farmers in the same line. Pesticide retailers have now become change agents in pesticide minimization campaigns.
- 7. Various awareness and advocacy campaigns are ongoing for promoting safe and healthy food production with ensured health of farmers and consumers.
- 8. The existing activities and outcomes of the project are being reflected in local and national media and newspapers.
- 9. Local government is found to incorporate the concept of project in their plans and programs. For example, Rapti municipality has developed ‘Pesticide Minimization Act’ and is currently conducting various programs of Integrated Pest Management Movement.