Exemplar Country Nepal on Stunting Decline: Sharing Project Findings

Nepal stands out as one of the Exemplar Countries experiencing the fastest reduction of stunting in the world. Evidence has also helped to reveal critical factors behind Nepal’s story of change in nutrition. In light of the belief that Exemplar countries may provide essential case study for discovering the diverse determinants responsible for successful reduction, Nepal was chosen for a study.
Nepal Public Health Foundation in collaboration with Sickkids, Canada conducted a study to identify the determinants of Stunting decline in Nepal from 1996 to 2016 which was conducted from December 2017 to August 2018. The findings of this study depicted that improvements in both nutrition-specific and nutrition sensitive sectors have been critical to Nepal’s stunting decline, particularly in the areas of poverty reduction, health, education, and sanitation.
This research has been published in “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” . And, the story behind this dramatic stunting decline has been highlighted by Bill Gates himself. We are proud to share this with you all.
Bill Gates has also presented Nepal’s efforts on stunting reduction in a video.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Also, please find the article link here: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/