A final dissemination session for HOPE GRID project was held on September 30 via zoom where representatives from PQPMC, MoALD, DoHS, CPFSL, NHRC, SWC and CPSP attended. In the hour and a half event, the results of the study was presented and outcomes of the study shared among the attendees. The final report was also launched in the same event, which were sent to the attendees after. The attendees all commended the research project and expressed their opinions on the important outcomes that could come out of scaling up the project in the future.
Author: nphfoundation
‘Kathmandu Valley needs at least 800 ICUs, Kathmandu has not learned from Parsa’-Dr. Maskey
Exemplar Country Nepal on Stunting Decline: Sharing Project Findings
Nepal stands out as one of the Exemplar Countries experiencing the fastest reduction of stunting in the world. Evidence has also helped to reveal critical factors behind Nepal’s story of change in nutrition. In light of the belief that Exemplar countries may provide essential case study for discovering the diverse determinants responsible for successful reduction, Nepal was chosen for a study.
Nepal Public Health Foundation in collaboration with Sickkids, Canada conducted a study to identify the determinants of Stunting decline in Nepal from 1996 to 2016 which was conducted from December 2017 to August 2018. The findings of this study depicted that improvements in both nutrition-specific and nutrition sensitive sectors have been critical to Nepal’s stunting decline, particularly in the areas of poverty reduction, health, education, and sanitation.
This research has been published in “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” . And, the story behind this dramatic stunting decline has been highlighted by Bill Gates himself. We are proud to share this with you all.
Bill Gates has also presented Nepal’s efforts on stunting reduction in a video.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Also, please find the article link here: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/
Awareness Raising Street Drama about Pesticide and Health
Experience and Understanding of COVID-19 :Dr. Mahesh Maskey
Advocacy webniar on addressing pesticides and their associated harms through multisectoral approach was conducted on August 12, 2020.
Nepal Public Health Foundation has organized an advocacy webinar on and ‘Addressing Pesticides and their Associated Harms through Multisector Approach’ on August 12, 2020 (2077-04-28).
This advocacy webinar aimed to advocate to multi stakeholders, from MoHP, DoHS, MoLMAC and PQPMC to address the issue of pesticide through an integrated approach so as to prevent and reduce the harm associated with it in Nepal.
Nepal Public Health Foundation (NPHF) was established with a mission to have concerted public health action, research and policy dialogue for health development, particularly of the socio-economically marginalized population. Farming, Health and Enviromnent Nepal (FHEN) Project is being carried out phase wise since 2015. The project aims to improve the health of famers and consumers by promoting a healthy sustainable and organic food production in Nepal with a focus on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and chemical pesticide reduction.
[embeddoc url=”http://nphfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Final-slides_webinar12082020.pdf” width=”100%” viewer=”google”]
Weekly updates of COVID-19 cases showing its trends in Nepal with border states and other countries.
[embeddoc url=”http://nphfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Comparison-Graphs.pdf” width=”100%” viewer=”google”]
Can we minimize pesticides?
11th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture by Dr. Benu Bahadur Karki via ZOOM | Lecture Series 2020
“Public health Development in Nepal Challenges and Opportunities”:- Dr. Benu Bahadur Karki
11th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture was delivered by Dr. Benu Bahadur Karki, Health and Development Associates, who is the former chief of the Policy, Planning, and Foreign Aid Monitoring Division, Department of Health Service (DHS) and an eminent personality in the field of Public Health.
Dr. karkideleved into the history of public health , the department of public health in Nepal, and the challanages and opportunities it poses while introducing various public health programs along side a brief history of Nepals’ tactics to tackle public health challanges in this lecture.
NPHF lectures are one of the major events to foster collective actions of professionals around the common agenda of Public Health.
11th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture was successfully completed on 30 June, 2020 via ZOOM conference at 11:00 AM.
NPHF has been organizing public health lecture as its core activity every year inviting eminent public health professionals on June 30 to foster collective action of people around common agendas of public health.
The inaugural lecture was delivered on 2010 by Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam on “10+2 Agendas for Public Health”. In 2011, another lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. Mathura Prasad Shrestha on “Understanding Public Health: Conceptual and Philosophical Foundations. Similarly, 3rd Lecture was delivered in 2012 by Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey on “Control of Non-Communicable Diseases: Scientific, Social, Spiritual Perspective”. Likewise, 4th lecture in 2013 was on the topic “Public Health Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” by Dr. Hemang Dixit. In 2014, 5th lecture was delivered by Dr Rita Thapa on “Changing Public Health Paradigm: Improving Family Planning-Maternal and Child Health in Nepal. The 6th lecture of 2015 was delivered by Dr. B. D Chataut on “Unveiling the Debate on Euthanasia”. In the same way, 7th lecture was delivered by Dr. Buddha Basnyat on “From a Reluctant Researcher to Public Health Advocacy: my life and times”. Finally, the last years 8th lecture was delivered by Dr. Badri Raj Pande on “Switching to Public Health from Clinical Pediatrics: a reminiscence.” 9th lectutre was conducted by Dr Dharma Sharna Manandar on the topic :” My adventure in Public health research” and the 10th lecture was delivered by Dr Suniti Acharya on the topic “health development, equity and universal health coverage in federal Nepal”
NPHF has completed 10 years and this year is the 11th Lecture . This year we have invited Dr Benu Bahadur Karki an eminent personality in Public Health to deliver the lecture on “Public Health Development in Nepal; Challenges and Opportunities”. Link here
The infection has not entered the community stage in Nepal- Dr. Maskey in an interview with online khabar
Let’s not send home without PCR. Quick PCR will reduce the quarantine pressure.