5th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture Series on “Changing Public Health Paradigm: Improving Maternal Child Health and Family planning” by Dr. Rita Thapa

Dr. Rita Thapa, advisor of NPHF delivered lecture on Changing Public Health Paradigm: Improving Maternal Child Health and Family planning.”

Nepal Public Health Foundation Has been organizing public health lecture as its core activity every year inviting eminent persons 0n 30th June to foster collective action of people around common agendas of public health.In 2014 Dr. Rita Thapa advisorof NPHF and also the first Nepali Woman Program Director at WHO Regional Office of South-East Asia, delivered lecture on “Changing Public Health Paradigm: Improving MCH-FP- Nepal”.

The entire lecture focused on fascinating journey through the challenging time in history of public health development in Nepal. Dr. Thapa tried to explain how changes in public health paradigm occurred in Nepal and how these key changes have led to establishing nation wide Phc network that reaches the unreached in every ward with basic FP-MCH care service, among others.

4th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture Series on “Public Health in the Past, Present and Future” by Dr. Hemang Dixit

Likewise in 2013, Dr. Hemang Dixit, former Dean of IOM, delivered lecture on “Public Health in the Past, Present and Future”.

NPHF organized 4th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture as a part of a series of public health lectures held every year on 30 June at Mohego Hall, Maharjgung. Dr. Hemang Dixit, renowed pediatrician and academician delivered lecture on Public health Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. The lecture was well attended by the NPHF Board, Founding Members, Public health experts, academia and the students.

3rd Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture Series on “Control of NCDs: scientific, social and spiritual Perspectives” by Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey

In 2012 Dr. Mrigendra Raj Pandey, renowned cardiologist delivered the lecture on “Control of NCDs: scientific, social and spiritual perspectives”

He dwelt on the “Control of NCDs- a scientific, social and spiritual perspective” in a abriliant manner bringing back institutional memory of over half a century of his practice and putting a new dimension on the role of spirituality on NCD management. The lecture was well attended by public health experts, academia and medical students.

2nd Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture Series on “ Understanding Public Health: Conceptual and Philosophical Foundations” by Prof Dr Mathura Shrestha.

In 2011, the lecture was delivered by Late Prof. Dr. Mathura Prasad Shrestha, Advisor; Nepal Public Health Foundation on “Understanding Public Health: Conceptual and Philosophical Foundations”. Prof. Dr. Mathura Shrestha was the Former Minister for Health and also former Chairman of Nepal Health Research Council and Department of Community Medicine and Family Health. He promoted public health research extensively while he was the professor of community medicine. He contributed largely in shaping the national policy on health research as the chair of NHRC and in the South-East Asia Health research initiatives as the member of the WHO advisory council for health research.

1ST Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture Series on “10+2 agenda for Public Health” by Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam

The inaugural lecture of year 2010 was delivered by Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam, a former Deputy executive Director of UNICEF and Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations who highlighted on 10+2 agenda for public health. This lecture series serves as a significant platform for professionals in the field of Public Health to come together and address common agendas. Renowned individuals who have made substantial contributions to the field have been invited to share their life experiences, thoughts, and aspirations.