Author: nphfoundation
Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Viet Nam
National Health Training Centre, Department of Health Sciences, Teku, Kathmandu
Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, Institute of Medicine (IOM), Kathmandu
World Health Organization, Country Office Nepal
World Health Organization, Regional Office for South East Asia
World Health Organization Headquarter, Geneva, Switzerland
Bagmati Clean-up Campaign
As a social initiative of Nepal Public Health Foundation, Bagmati Cleaning Program is carried out every Saturday morning where all the staffs of NPHF has made their routine to visit the banks of Bagmati River to collect the waste and clean the holy river. Moreover, NPHF regularly organizes and participates in all the public awareness programs geared towards cleaning, sanitation and hygiene of general public.
Nepal Public Health Foundation (NPHF) organized 7th Annual General Meeting on 30 September, 2016 at Shangrila Hotel, Lazimpat under the chairmanship of Dr. Mahesh K. Maskey, Executive chair of NPHF. The meeting started with the welcome rematks of Dr. Badri Raj Pande, founding member of NPHF. Dr. Sarad Onta, the then General Secretary of NPHF briefed on updates of each projects activities and financial statement of fiscal year 2015/16. He concludes his remarks thanking the staff’s contribution and dedication towards their work and hopeful for their commitment and enthusiasm in future. This was followed by presentation on annual plan of fiscal year 2016/17 of NPHF by Dr. Mahesh K. Maskey.
7th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture Series on From a reluctant researcher to public health advocacy: MY LIFE AND TIMES” by Dr. Buddha Basnet
Nepal Public Health Foundation has been organizing Lecture Series as its core activity every year on 30 June inviting eminent personalities of public health. This year Dr. Buddha Basnyat delivered lecture on :From a Reluctant Researcher to public health advocacy: My life and times”.
From a reluctant researcher to public health advocacy: MY LIFE AND TIMES” by Dr. Buddha Basnet
Dr. Buddha Basnyat is a pioneer in mountain medicine, director of the Himalayan Rescue Association, and director of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Nepal. He is one of the founding members of NPHF and has led Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership Network’s Nepal chapter which is hosted here in Nepal by NPHF. He has over 200 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and coauthored chapters for Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine and the Oxford Textbook of Medicine.
In the 7th Nepal Public Health Foundation Nepal Lecture, Dr. Basnyat delivered his lecture on “ From Reluctant Researcher to Public Health Advocacy” in June 2016. The lecture provides us a glimpse of a deep reflection of his development and experiences, and shares insights profoundly useful for health professionals who are taking their first step in the journey to the world of Medicine and Public Health.
A certificate of appreciation was awarded to the resource person and concluding remarks were given by Dr. Mahesh K. Maskey, Executive Chair of NPHF.
NPHF lectures are one of the major events to foster collective actions of professionals around the common agenda of Public Health.
6th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture Series on “Unveiling the Debate of Euthanasia” by Dr. BD Chautahat
Dr. B D Chataut an eminent personality in Public Health delivered lecture on “Unveiling the Debate of Euthanasia” and the event was organized on 30 June, 2015 in MOHEGO Building, IOM, TUTH, and Maharajgunj at 11:00 am.
NPHF has been organizing public health lecture series as its core activity every year inviting eminent persons on 30th June to foster collective action of people around common agendas of public health. In 2015 Dr. BD Chataut had delivered lecrute on “Unveiling the Debate of Euthanasia”. After this, the discussion focused on dealing euthanasia from spiritual aspect. Similarly, participants also put forth their query on possibility of legalization of euthanasia whereas others said that regarding passive euthanasia, there should be a strong medical ethics for taking euthanasia towards legal procedure.
Fifth annual general meeting was held on 5 March, 2015 at NPHF office building under the chairmanship
of vice president of NPHF Dr. Badri Raj Pande. He started the meeting with welcome remarks. Then
presentation on different ongoing projects at NPHF and research conducted were presented by the
concerned projects staffs. Dr. Sharad Raj Onta, Genreal Secretary briefed about the current projects and
programs of NPHF and future activities as well. Dr. Tirtha Rana, Treasurer presented the Financial and
Audit Report of Fiscal Year 2070/071, Which was approved.