Conducting and Evaluating Stigma reduction interventions in Sunsari and Dadeldhura Activities Updates

The major activities carried out till date are:

1. Quantitative interview of community people regarding stigma on safe abortion.

2. Qualitative interview with the service providers (health workers providing safe abortion services to the target people ) regarding their experiences and stigma related to safe abortion services.

3.  Quantitative data management using Epi-data and IBM-SPSS.

4. Qualitative data management using Atlas-ti software.

5. Weekly and bi-weekly reporting of the progress being done to Ipas from Nepal Public Health Foundation regularly.

GARP-Nepal activities updates

There has been a slight modification in the national-level Working Group of GARP Nepal. Representatives from Department of Drug Administration (DDA), Ministry of Livestock Development (MOLD), National Health Education, Information and Communication Centre (NHEICC), National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) and Institute of Medicine (IOM) have been added to the existing Working Group. GARP Nepal has signed MOU with Nepal Veterinary Council for the development of a focused curriculum on AMR to serve as the basis for production of competent veterinary professionals with strong antimicrobial knowledge, hence leading to the prudent and judicious use of antibiotics in veterinary. Furthermore, a three member committee has been formed within the Ministry of Livestock Development, responsible for developing ‘Training Manual on Antimicrobial Resistance’ for veterinarians and para-veterinarians and ‘Awareness Tool (Flipchart)’ for veterinary drug retailers.

Additionally, a technical advisor has been identified for developing a planning package for implementing Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at Chitwan Medical College, a tertiary care hospital of Nepal. This activity has been enforced as an initiative to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing and thereby improve patient clinical outcomes in healthcare settings.

GARP Nepal has also collaborated with Department of Drug Administration in developing a training manual for community pharmacists, as they are the first point of contact for general peoples’ health related queries. A workshop was organized on 27th July, 2017 at Yalamaya Kendra for finalizing the contents of the TV Program and Documentary on AMR, to be produced in collaboration with NHEICC. The workshop was attended by all the relevant stakeholders including the Government and media, with representatives from DDA, MOLD, NHEICC, NPHL, WHO, Nepal television (NTV) and GARP Nepal. The participants finalized the contents to be covered and came to a common consensus on the name “Bahas maa Antibiotic” for the TV program; the production of which is likely to start off early this October.

SAHaS activities updates

Activities Carried out

1. Regular participation of Social Mobilizers in Health Mothers Group and Health Facility Operation Management Committee meeting.

 2. Providing refreshment cost to the FCHVs for each Mothers Group Meeting and Health Post In-charge for each HFOMC Meeting.

3. Continuous monitoring of Mothers group and HFOMC meeting by SM and Project Officers.

4. Preparation of proposal for conduction of research in SAHaS project implemented districts.

5. 5th bi-monthly review meeting was held on August 30, 2017 at NPHF.

6. Data collection for the research “Maternal and child health seeking behavior among women aged 15-45 years during earthquake of April- May 2015” by Social Mobilizers and Project Officers.

7. Preparation and submission of 5th and 6th bi-monthly report.

8. Organized prefab health facility handover program in different VDCs like Dalchowki, Narayansthan, Gairibisauna Deupur, Deurali, Nalang and Dolakha.

9. Conduction of Joint monitoring (D(P)HO NPHF and UNICEFF).

The TV program “Bahas Ma Antibiotic” produced by GARP-Nepal/NPHF in collaboration with WHO and NHEICC was aired on November 17, 2017 on NTV.

The TV Program “Bahas Ma Antibiotic” produced by GARP-Nepal/NPHF in collaboration with WHO and NHEICC was aired from November 17, 2017. The program focused on Antibiotics and Antibiotic resistance with experts from various fields interacting about the same. The first episode we had Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit and Dr. Barun Kumar Sharma as the experts.

Program Telecast: November 17, Friday at 7:25 pm
Re-telecast: : November 19, Sunday at 8:00 am

World Antibiotic Awareness week, 2017

World Antibiotic Awareness Week, 2017 is being celebrated from 13 to 19 November, 2017 with the theme “Seek advice from a qualified health care professional before taking antibiotics”.

GARP-Nepal along with different academic institutions as a collaborating partners is hosting different awareness raising events such as essay competition, poster competition, debate competition, street dramas based on antibiotics and its resistance, walkathon and others.


Nepal Public Health Foundation(NPHF) organized 8th Annual General Meeting on September 8, 2017 at Summit Hotel, Kupandole under the chairmanship of Dr. Mahesh K. Maskey, Executive chair of NPHF.

The meeting began with welcome remarks by Dr. Mahesh K. Maskey, Execurive Chair of NPHF. Dr. Sameer M Dixit General Secretary of NPHF outlined the updates of each projects activities and financial statement of fiscal year 2017/2018. He concluded his remarks by thanking the staffs for their contribution and dedication towards their work, hoping for similar commitment and enthusiasm on the years to come. This was followed by presentation on annual plan of fiscal year 2017/18 of NPHF by Prof. Dr. Lochana Shrestha.

NPHF team visited the affected Morgan district from August (15-17), 2017 for Exploration on flood situation.

Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit, General Secretaryof NPHF during interaction with the displaced families in Ram Janaki School, Jahada.
Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit, General Secretaryof NPHF during interaction with the displaced families in Ram Janaki School, Jahada.
NPHF team interacting with Health Post In-charge and other health staffs of Jahada Health Post.
NPHF team interacting with Health Post In-charge and other health staffs of Jahada Health Post.
4 days old twins with their mother seeking refuge at Ram Janaki School, Jahada.
4 days old twins with their mother seeking refuge at Ram Janaki School, Jahada.
Musahar Community people taking shelter on the dry land.
Musahar Community people taking shelter on the dry land.
Dr. Dixit in communication with Musahar people relating to their health status.
Dr. Dixit in communication with Musahar people relating to their health status.
Around 100 displaced families shelter in Barunda Secondary school, Morang.
Around 100 displaced families shelter in Barunda Secondary school, Morang.
Local residents in desperate attempts of finding shelter and safeguarding the remnant.
Local residents in desperate attempts of finding shelter and safeguarding the remnant.
The medical supplies of the Govindpur, Ratuwamai Health Post rendered useless.
The medical supplies of the Govindpur, Ratuwamai Health Post rendered useless.
Farm land of Govindpur, Ratuwamai Municipality induated by the flood.
Farm land of Govindpur, Ratuwamai Municipality induated by the flood.

Our Executive Chair, Dr. Mahesh K Maskey was honored by ‘2017 Distinguished Alumni Award’, Boston University.

Dr. Mahesh K Maskey, Nepal’s former ambassador to China and the President of Nepal Public Health Foundation received one of the most honorable awards from Boston University on September 16, 2017 in a special luncheon offered in the campus on the occasion of its annual alumni awards. Dr. Maskey was honored with this award for his outstanding contribution in international health and human rights activism. The award was also shown live from university website during the ceremony process.

Boston University School of Public Health has tweeted in its several statuses with pictures regarding the award.


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A team from icddr, b visited NPHF

On the invitation of Nepal Public Health Foundation (NPHF), a team of research experts in maternal and child health and infectious diseases, led by Prof John D. Clemens, Executive Director of icddr,b visits NPHF on July 10-11. The team was here to share and explore new research innovations particularly in saving lives of children and mother, and effectively managing infectious disease including TB in Nepal.