Nepal Public Health Foundation Announces New Executive Board Members at the 14th Annual General Meeting  

Nepal Public Health Foundation (NPHF) celebrated its 14th Annual General Meeting during which it welcomed a new set of Executive Board members for the upcoming three-year term.

The newly elected Executive Board members are as follows:

President: Dr. Lochana Shrestha
Vice-President: Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit
Secretary: Prof. Dr. Abhinav Vaidya
Treasurer: Dr. Rajendra BC

Member: Dr. Jitendra Pariyar
Member:Dr. Raba Thapa

Member: Dr. Madhur Basnet

NPHF extends its heartfelt congratulations to each of the newly appointed Executive Board members. NPHF is confident that under their leadership, it will continue to thrive and make substantial contributions to the field of public health in Nepal.

Risk of Pesticide

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Preparation of Botanical Pesticide

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Label of Pesticides

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Important Information for Farmers and Pesticide Retailers

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Harmful and Beneficial Insects

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Banned pesticide in Nepal




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In a significant step towards advancing global health research, Nepal Public Health Foundation and The Chancellor masters and scholars of the university of Oxford have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on July 27, 2023, to collaborate within the Global Health Network. The MOU aims to enhance capacity building, facilitate knowledge exchange, and foster excellence in health research by leveraging the expertise and resources of both institutions.

The Global Health Network (TGHN), hosted by The University of Oxford, is a knowledge exchange community and a World Health Organization (WHO) collaborating centre. This platform serves as a hub for the global health research community, providing valuable resources and support to researchers working in areas with limited access to health evidence. The network’s mission is to strengthen research capabilities and leadership in underprivileged communities and settings worldwide. Recognizing the complementary strengths of The Oxford University and the Nepal Public Health Foundation in the field of health research, both entities are enthusiastic about the potential benefits of their collaboration. By pooling their resources and knowledge, they aim to enhance the quality and impact of health research initiatives, particularly in regions facing health disparities.

The MOU is aimed to facilitate cooperation between the two institutions, promoting joint research projects, faculty and student exchanges, and sharing of best practices. Through this partnership, students and researchers from both Oxford and Nepal Public Health Foundation will gain access to a wider array of resources, expertise, and opportunities, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of global health challenges and potential solutions.

Eleventh CPHE Lecture

11th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture

“Public health Development in Nepal Challenges and Opportunities”:- Dr. Benu Bahadur Karki

11th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture was delivered by Dr. Benu Bahadur Karki, Health and Development Associates,  who is  the former chief of the Policy, Planning, and Foreign Aid Monitoring Division, Department of Health Service (DHS) and an eminent personality in the field of Public Health.

Dr. karki deleved into the history of public health , the department of public health in Nepal, and the challanages and opportunities it poses while introducing various public health programs along side a brief history of Nepals’ tactics to tackle public health challanges in this lecture. 

NPHF lectures are one of the major events to foster collective actions of professionals around the common agenda of Public Health.

Ninth CPHE Lecture

9th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture

“My Adventure on Public Health Research”:-  Dr. Dharma Sharna Manandhar

Dr. Dharma Sharan Manandhar is an eminent clinical neonatologist, public health researcher, innovator of appropriate technologies for neonatal care, and a scientist of national and national repute. He is the founding president of Maternal and Child Research Activities (MIRA) which was established in 1992 and also he is one of the founding members of the Nepal Public Health Foundation. 

Dr. Manandhar delivered the lecture on  “My Adventure on Public Health Research” on June 30, 2018, where he shared his experiences from his long journey in the health sector working with academia, and research institutions both in Nepal and abroad. He shared his brilliant and adventurous professional carrier and exposure to public health research with the participants of the 9th Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture. 

Eighth CPHE Lecture

Switching to Public Health from Clinical Paediatrics – a Reminiscence by Dr. Badri Raj Pande

Dr. Badri Raj Pande has been working in different positions in the Nepalese Health System since 1959. From 1959 to 1988 he has served the Nepal government as a medical officer, pediatrician, Assistant Director of DoHS, Deputy and later chief of Nepal family planning and MCH Project, Member Secretary to Population Policies Coordination Board, National Commission on Population, and Chief Planning officer in Ministry of Health. After 1988 he got engaged with WHO in Eastern Mediterranean Region as well as South East Asian Region. He has been one of the founding members of FPAN, Nepal Pediatric Society, Nepal Eye Hospital, Nepal Public Health Foundation, Nepal Health Economics Association, and the Rotary Club of Budhanilkhantha.

In the 8th Nepal Public Health Foundation Nepal Lecture, Dr. Pande delivered his lecture on “Switching to Public Health from Clinical Pediatricians” in June 2016. In the lecture, he shared his experiences from his long journey in the health sector working with various governmental and non-governmental institutions. 

A certificate of appreciation was awarded to the resource person and concluding remarks were given by Dr.  Mahesh K. Maskey, Executive Chair of NPHF.

NPHF lectures are one of the major events to foster collective actions of professionals around the common agenda of Public Health.

Seventh CPHE Lecture

“From a reluctant researcher to public health advocacy: MY LIFE AND TIMES” by Dr. Buddha Basnet

Dr. Buddha Basnyat is a pioneer in mountain medicine, director of the Himalayan Rescue Association, and director of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Nepal. He is one of the founding members of NPHF and has led Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership Network’s Nepal chapter which is hosted here in Nepal by NPHF. He has over 200 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and coauthored chapters for Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine and the Oxford Textbook of Medicine. 

In the 7th Nepal Public Health Foundation Nepal Lecture, Dr. Basnyat delivered his lecture on “ From Reluctant Researcher to Public Health Advocacy” in June 2016. The lecture provides us a glimpse of a deep reflection of his development and experiences, and shares insights profoundly useful for health professionals who are taking their first step in the journey to the world of Medicine and Public Health.

A certificate of appreciation was awarded to the resource person and concluding remarks were given by Dr.  Mahesh K. Maskey, Executive Chair of NPHF.

NPHF lectures are one of the major events to foster collective actions of professionals around the common agenda of Public Health.