Appraisal of Stunting decline in Nepal: Updated Activities (Nov-Apr)

A. Inception meeting with in-country stakeholders:
Inception Meeting was held on 21st November, 2017 between Sick kids Team and Nepal’s health and Nutrition experts, stakeholders and pioneers. With a following objectives set on a mind in order to conduct research further , meeting was conducted successfully.
a. To assess the global, regional and national prevalence and trends in under-5 stunting among LMICs from 1990 to 2017. (Explore levels and trends in stunting sub-nationally across key equity dimensions including: maternal education, household wealth, urban/rural residence, gender, geographic region).
b. To understand the major determinants globally that have successfully contributed to reductions in childhood stunting prevalence between 1990 and 2017. (Examples of determinants include: contextual factors, national or subnational interventions/policies/strategies/programs, other initiatives).
c. To undertake in-depth evaluations of policies, programs and factors in a set of countries that have had dramatic reductions in stunting (coined “exemplar nations”) to understand major contributors and success factors.
B. Development of methods and materials for quantitative/qualitative work. Field Visit and data collected from diverse group of stakeholders/experts.
C. Prepared Summary of the document on policies and programs on Nutrition in Nepal (As per template provided by Canada team)
- Timeline of policies (Format provided by Canada team)
- Merging the data sets
- Qualitative data collection: Key Informant Interview-15
- Transcribing/Translation- Completed
- Finalization of Questionnaire tool for FGD
- Themes/codes developed