Discussion on Global and Nepal’s Clinical Trial Landscape with Dr. Vasee Moorthy, Senior Advisor, Research and Development WHO Geneva
April 22, 2024

Nepal Public Health Foundation hosted a Breakfast Meeting with Dr. Vasee Moorthy, Senior Advisor of Research and Development, WHO Headquarters Geneva along with other participants from the National Health Research Council, the Institute of Medicine, Ministry of Health and Population, and Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Nepal with the discussions centered around the global and Nepalese clinical trial landscape.

The discussion highlighted the significance of raising awareness about clinical trials, particularly from local perspectives. Key points covered included the availability of guidelines to ensure ethical conduct during trials, building capacity for trial execution, and the support provided by WHO for clinical trials in Nepal. Various clinical trials, notably those related to COVID-19, conducted by NHRC and other organizations were presented. Additionally, the resources available in Nepal, such as technical experts and medical personnel, were showcased, along with discussions on collaboration models like those employed by OUCRU.

The importance of prioritizing focus areas to secure government attention, addressing public skepticism towards research findings, and the procedures for formulating policy and protocols for trials were also discussed. Furthermore, insights from a pilot study in Dapcha titled “Reducing MMR and NMR in an eco-ethnographically diverse province of Nepal through an engaged digitalized comprehensive continuum of care” were shared.